Tenable Rebrand
Taking only 5 months, the Tenable rebrand was launched in January 2013. Tenable became one of the first companies in the security industry to use teal as their primary color. In late 2013, the logo became a registered trademark.
Tenable Logo* - January 2013
Tenable Website** - January 2013
Tenable Product Logo Suite - 2013
Engage 2015
Tenable Network Security Sales Kick Off
Engage Logo Animation***
Ignite 2017
Tenable Sales Kickoff
Ignite Logo Animation***
* Tenable Logo designed by Jessica Jones and Tim Teeling.
** Tenable Website developed by Tim Teeling. Art direction by Jessica Jones.
*** Engage and Ignite Logo animation by Chris Jaeger. Logo design and art direction by Jessica Jones.